Monday, October 6, 2008



Anonymous said...

i found this tefilla so helpful thank you RAV!

Anonymous said...

Even if a sharp sword lies upon a man's neck, he should not give up his hope for mercy. (Berachos 10a)

Unknown said...

Everything is in G-d’s Hands except for the fear of Heaven (Berachos 33b)

Unknown said...

In the same manner as one blesses for the good one should bless for the bad. (Berachos 48b)

Unknown said...

The experience of sleep is one-sixtieth of death (Berachos 57b)

Unknown said...

Just as people's faces are different, so too are there individual differences in their opinions and knowledge (Berachos 58a)

Unknown said...

Just as people's faces are different, so too are there individual differences in their opinions and knowledge (Berachos 58a)

Unknown said...

Thunder was created to make our hearts tremble (Berachos 59a)

Unknown said...

Everything G-d does for us is for the good (Berachos 60b)

Unknown said...

If a person wishes to squander away his money, let him hire workers and not stay with them. (Bava Metzia 29b)

Unknown said...

Correct yourself first and then correct others (Bava Metzia 107b)

Unknown said...

Those who are besieged by anger have no life.(Pesachim 123b)

Unknown said...

Forty days before a child’s creation it is decided in Heaven whom he or she shall marry (Sotah 2a)

Unknown said...

Regarding any person who has arrogance Hashem says, 'He and I cannot dwell together in the world.'" (Sotah 5a)

Unknown said...

G-d pays a person in a measure equal to his mitzvos or his aveiros (Sotah 8b)

Unknown said...

A mitzvah protects and saves a person from harm (Sotah 21a)

Unknown said...

Milah is so great that it has the same importance as all the mitzvos of the Torah (Nedarim 32a)