Saturday, August 16, 2008


“For if you will observe this entire commandment that I command you, to perform it, to love Hashem, your God, to walk in all of His ways and to cleave to Him.” Devarim 11:22

The Yismach Moshe asks the question: “What does it mean ‘to walk in all of Hashem’s ways’?” He answers, that this means that we must be gracious to the poor. ‘To cleave to Him’ means to bestow loving-kindness on each other.

We learn in Chazal, “How great is tzedakah that it brings the geulah (final redemption) closer. Why specifically does the mitzvah of tzedakah bring the redemption closer? The reason is, because when tzedakah is given, it joins the recipient and the giver together. At times, it can even join thousands of people together. This is the missing link in galus (exile) – the link of achdus, unity. Tzedakah promotes those feelings of friendship, sensitivity and unity – those actions that bring the geulah that much closer.

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