Saturday, August 16, 2008

“Selichos: Inspiration For the Yomim Norayim ”

The source of inspiration for the Yomim Norayim are in the days of Selichos that lead up to the Yom Hadin, the Day of Judgement. The words of Selichos were carefully formulated to have a powerful effect on the Heavens. The source for our Selichos began in the days of Moshe Rabbeinu, who began the reciting of the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy. We find in Tana D’vei Eliyahu Chapter 23, that “Hashem will answer you on the day of your distress.”

Dovid HaMelech knew that in the future the Bais Hamikdash was going to be destroyed and that the korbanos would cease to exist. Dovid was distressed over the fact that he did not know how Bnei Yisroel would be able to achieve atonement. Hashem said to Dovid HaMelech, “When there will be challenging times for Klal Yisroel, let everyone stand together and confess their sins. Let them say before me the seder of Selicha, and I will forgive them.”

We learn that Hashem appeared to Moshe Rabbeinu as a Shaliach Tzibbur wrapped in a Talis, davening for the congregation. He then revealed to Moshe the seder of Selichos. The same powerful formula that worked thousands of years ago, works today. Therefore, one should strive to have extra feeling and kavana while reciting Selichos.

If there was ever a time when this formula of Selichos was necessary it would be in today times of constant challenges and tribualations.

The Talmud in Kesubos calls the period of time before Moshiach’s arrival “Chevlei Moshiach” – the birth pangs of Moshiach. Why is it Chevlei Moshiach? Everyone knows that before Moshiach Tzidkeinu comes there will be trials and tribulations. Similarly, before a woman gives birth there are certain birth pangs. When Bnei Yisroel feels pain in the world, and there are cries that emanate from various parts of the globe, from acheinu bnei yisroel, we know that the advent of Moshiach cannot be far away.

I humbly offer a pshat as to why it’s called Chevlei Moshiach -- birth pangs, Why not any other kind of pain? Labor pains come in various degrees. There are some who experience very mild labor pains. In fact, there are significant numbers of women who deliver so quickly that they are almost not prepared. And then there are those who endure hours of difficult labor.

This is the reason why it’s called Chevlei Moshiach. It could, chas v’sholom, be the Chevlei Moshiach, when the labor is long and difficult; or the delivery could be painless with little difficulty at all.

The Rambam tells us that the Sifrei Nevi’im, the Books of the Prophets, were the original sifrei mussar before we had the classical sifrei mussar, such as Mesilas Yeshorim and Chovos HaLevovos. At that time people would look into the Sifrei Nevi’im and would learn the proper way of life.

R’ Nachman Breslover would sometimes carry a volume of T’nach and say, “This is my mussar sefer. ”

The Rambam says that the nevi’im prophesized many times concerning what would happen in the Yemos HaMoshiach. The current condition of Klal Yisroel – both spiritually and materially – is all delineated in the Novi. We can see everything that’s happening now mapped out.

This is what R’ Elchonon said: Know the sources. Know what is happening. What the Torah perspective is on our times. Then we will be prepared to act in the correct way.

It says in Yeshayahu that Tzion will go through labor and after that give birth to children. The Vilna Gaon wrote that the geulah is something like rebirth. It’s like being born. Just like when a person goes through different experiences in this world, he reinvents himself and does teshuvah. Similarly as the arrival of Moshiach Tzidkeinu draws closer, we will grow stronger and have the power and the ability to withstand all the challenges.

R’ Elchonon’s son, Moran HaGaon R’ Simcha Wasserman, explains in a similar vein the posuk in Yechezkel (11:19) “vahasirosi lev ha’even m’besaram v’nosati lohem lev bosor -- I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh.” The heart of stone is sometimes a necessity in Golus, so that we will be able to survive and endure the various difficulties that we encounter and that our hearts should not give out. However, in the future, when we will be redeemed from Golus, we will no longer have use for the heart of stone. It will then be replaced with a heart of flesh.

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